Open post

Welcome to our SubArctic Farm!

Thanks for dropping by. We are the Davis Family, and we are starting a farm in the Labrador Region of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Our family heritage is of Inuit and European decent, and this Sub-Arctic land is our home and the home of our ancestors.

We believe in being good stewards of the Land and Blessings that our Creator has given us and are planning on building a self-sufficient, sustainable farm that will support our family, contribute to greater food security in the North, and increase the overall self-sufficency of the region.

It’s 2020, and there is so much accessible technology and innovation that has not yet been applied in agreiculture. What was once a land to harsh to farm traditionally is now a potential solution to having fresh and affordable food in the North.

I’m Brian and I’m going to do my best to document and share as many aspects of our journey as possible, for your benefit and the benefit of Northern farmers that will eventually follow.

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