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Land Update 5-April-2021

Happy Easter Monday! What a lovely weekend. We were very happy to see the mild Spring temperatures, but a little less enthusiastic about the water and flooding. I’m not sure the level of snow we had this past winter got near the recent 20 foot record, but it was pretty significant, and with all the mild temps and rain coming at once that makes for a lot of sudden water while typical drainage remains blocked with snow and ice.

In the last post I left you with the news that the final stakeholder, the municipality, were presenting to the town council the next day for their approval.

A view of the mountains

True to their word, they presented the application to the council with a recommended approval and it was approved unanimously. Oh happy day! We are hoping their aren’t any other delays and we are able to get our agricultural lease before long. Actually, as I am writing this I just got news from the crownlands office that documents were sent out six days ago. So hopefully it will show up in the mail today or tomorrow and we can finally say we have the land and lease title in hand.

We are so excited to get started.

Thanks for following along, and good growing!

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